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Don Aitkin

Arresting, but...

It takes some time - often a generation or two, or even hundreds of years - for ideas to be really appreciated and built on. The great ideas of the last fifty years will be better understood in 2105 than in 2005. But the two mentioned (the pill and the micro-processor), have had extremely powerful effects already. Like most powerful ideas, they have opponents as well as supporters, quite apart from those who simply use their outcomes. Another, already obvious, but still contested, is the fact that all human beings are talented, in in several ways. That too will be better appreciated in 2105.

Tony Kelly

People do have big ideas still, but who wants to know?


No ,ok , its not a new time machine , but i like it ! next time you write www. on the back of an envelope , try instead W with a small legible circle just above the right leg of the W . it sort of rolls off the pen with a nice sexy flourish !


PS ,sorry, just make that a little to the top right of the w ,cheers .

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