Prince Charles did a quick whip-around the country, and we didn't really give a stuff. Wherever he went the reception was lukewarm at best. Not surprising really ,he's a clumsy fool who even sheared a sheep in a suit. And he will be our King....
Poor Chuck is certainly not Crown Princes Mary of Denmark, that's for sure, who accompanied by Crown Price Frederik, stopped by in Melbourne today. And for reasons that I just can't grasp, thousands of my fellow Melbournians flocked to Federation square, clamoring for whatever vantage point they could to catch a glimpse of them. It was frenzied atmosphere more usually seen at the Mosh Pit at a Big Day Out rock concert; or maybe reminiscent of the Queens visits during the 60's (when we kinda liked having a Royal family).
During the Danish Royal's brief five hour stay, they attended a State Reception hosted by Victorian Premier Steve Bracks and Governor John Landy also present were Melbourne's A-List and assorted hanger-oner-rer's.
They also launched a continuous video conference link from our own Federation Square to Copenhagen's Town Hall Square (Radhusspladsen). I don't really understand why we need a permanent link to Copenhagen. As far as I know, Melbourne has no historical links to Copenhagen of any real note. And the fact that Princess Mary lived here for a few months is hardly a reason to link us permanently... I wonder if people in Denmark think the same.
So why do we Australians have such a fascination with Princess Mary? What is it about Mary? What am I missing?
Like I said, we have no connection with Denmark, and we didn't even know that they had a royal family until Mary Donaldson announced her engagement to Frederik. And after all she is a hairdresser from Tasmania, who picked up the "right bloke" in a pub during the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Sure she is attractive, and a nice-enough person and all; but do her and her husband really deserve all the bru-haha? The State Receptions? Lunch with our PM? The motorcades? The screaming fans, some of whom were left speechless? The pages of newspaper coverage, and "Special Lift-Outs"?
Maybe it is the whole "Cinderella" fairytale thing, or the fact that our Royal Family are an outdated laughing stock, so we have adopted this pair.
Well I'll say one thing, I'd prefer to look at Mary on the cover of Women's magazines whilst standing at the checkout waiting to buy stuff than Camilla anyday.
But I don't know why the frenzy, perhaps the rags to riches explanation, after all arent all girls brought up on the prince will rescue them fantasy?
Posted by: DJ | Friday, March 11, 2005 at 01:30 AM
I don't understand it, anymore than I understand the need to have a head of state who isn't the head of government. The republicans think she's a good argument for getting rid of the Queen as head of state, I say off with all of their heads - Kings, Queens and Presidents - and three cheers for Prime Minsters, no matter what party they come from. At least with PMs you understand that you are getting feet of clay, all this Maryolatory suggests the woman's been assumed body and soul into heaven which is situated somewhere near the north pole. Maybe the video conference link is the modern equivalent of Jacob's Ladder?
Posted by: Graham Young | Friday, March 11, 2005 at 12:20 PM