When Tony Goodson introduced me to weblogs almost a year ago, I had no idea what they were, what you did with them or what others do with them. Tony told me they could be about "anything". Gee thanks.
But he was right. And whilst I continue to blog away here in my little study, trying to find a consistent and relevant voice, I manage t come across blogs that prove the point almost everyday.
Whilst most of my regular reads are from news/current affairs and business related blogs, there are some great, unique and intriguing blogs out in the blogosphere. Here are some examples, and whilst I don't read them all regularly, I enjoy the occasional fly by to see what’s happening.
Take a look at Blog of My Barometer, in which Caren blogs about, well, the barometric pressure of her room.
Or Little Fucking Ray of Sunshine, which is, well I dunno what it is. That is probably why I like it.
Then there is Zoe over at My Boyfriend is a Twat who blogs about life at home with her kids and her boyfriend, aka "the twat." It's brilliant.
This is Broken is a blog where contributors post about stuff that is broken, including things, places and websites.
The Spin Starts Here is a uniquely Australian blog (based in my home city of Melbourne). These folks are savage, but clever and witty too. Attacking issues with all the fervour of a rabid dog, they look at issues in pop culture, entertainment and a little bit of politics.
But my favourite blog at the moment is Gaping Void. Hugh is great, almost as cool as Tom Peters and my office is now littered with his cartoons.
What other blogs have you come across that prove Tony's point that a weblog can be about "anything?"