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Robert King

Well, I couldn't go past this blog entry without some reply to the broad assumptions you make.

1. I am a disability pensioner battling a terrible illness.

2. I am also a student and a photographer/visual artist.

3. I am not at home all day nor am I overweight and certainly not bitter.

4. I do volunteer work where and when I can, I support a number of initiatives to assist people facing isolation due to disability.

5. I do wish to see our local member ousted because he has, in the main, been rather ineffective. He appears to be, in my opinion, a ladder climber within the political system who only acts in situations that suit him.

6. I have received emails from people who have faced utter devastation and crisis who have been ignored by Bruce Billson. I have therefore formed the opinion that Mr Billson likes to act on matters that may become positive photo opportunities yet ducks and weaves difficult matters like a professional politician.

Please don't make judgements about me based on the fact that I am a disabled person, a student or even that I am attempting to initiate some grass roots political action. I am simply a person who believes that we need a new representative in our electorate.

Robert King

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