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Thor Prohaska

I also came to the same conclusion that Australia needs a better national anthem. So I did something about it and created an improved version of Advance Australia Fair. I have changed half of the words but left the tune unchanged. It is now titled Australia and goes like this:


Australians all let us rejoice
for we are all born free.
We are the dreaming of this land
its spirit breathes in me.
Our home abounds with nature's gifts
of beauty rich and rare.
At every stage let history's page
treat all Australians fair.
With joyful voices let us sing
Australia is our home.

Beneath the radiant Southern Cross
we'll toil with hearts and hands
to leave our children's children
a whole and sacred land.
For those who've come across the seas
as friends we welcome you.
With courage let us all combine
to make our dreams come true.
With joyful voices let us sing
Australia is our home.

© 'The Australian People'
Version 12
18th of April 2002

To view find out more information please go to www.anthem.net.au.

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