I like Tom Peters. He’s an angry old man. “Mad as hell” if you ask him.
But like John Moore, I am struggling to read his latest offering Re-Imagine:
On Re-Imagine, Tom said he wanted to ‘re-invent” the business book. He wanted it to be an audacious, egocentric and in your face business book.
Well, chill out Tom, cause you succeeded. In fact, it is so in my face, I want it outta the way,I wanna piss it off back into my bookshelf and forget about it.
But I cant.
Its too loud, too noisy to ignore. Each page I look at bombards me with multiple type faces that refuse to stay stable within the same sentence, not to mention the italics, cap strings, colors, type sizes, sidebars, and the full colour background images. It drives me nuts!
But this is Tom Peters after all. In amonst all the noise, there is probably some really cool, thought provoking stuff on values, brands, markets, work, and people. In the words of John Moore, "I want to learn all that this book offers.... BUT HOW?"
Yeah, how?
Great to hear I am not alone in wondering, John. looking forward to the suggestions...